Keynote Speakers-------N.M. RAVINDRA (RAVI)

Professor N.M. RAVINDRA (RAVI), Director, Interdisciplinary Program in Materials Science and Engineering, New Jersey Institute of Technology, Newark, NJ 07102

N.M. Ravindra (Ravi) is Professor of Physics & Director, Interdisciplinary Program in Materials Science and Engineering, New Jersey Institute of Technology. He was the Chair of the Physics Department & Director, Interdisciplinary Program in Materials Science and Engineering at NJIT from 2009 to 2013.

Ravi is the Editor-in-Chief of Emerging Materials Research. He is Series Editor of Emerging Materials: Processing, Performance and Applications, Momentum Press. He has been a frequent Guest Editor of JEM, the Journal of Electronic Materials;JOM. He serves on the editorial board of Microwave Processing.

Before joining NJIT in 1987, Ravi had been associated with Vanderbilt University, the Microelectronics Center of North Carolina (MCNC), North Carolina State University, International Center for Theoretical Physics (ICTP- Trieste), Politecnico di Torino, CNRS associated labs in Paris and Montpellier.

Ravi holds a PhD in Physics from Indian Institute of Technology (Roorkee, India), MS & BS in Physics from Bangalore University, India. Ravi and his research team have published over 250 papers in international journals, books and conference proceedings; his team has several pending and two issued patents; he has organized over 30 international conferences; and he has given over 75 talks in international meetings.

Ravi’s research activities have been sponsored by agencies including the US Department of Defense (DOD), Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), International SEMATECH, Semiconductor Research Corporation, US Department of Energy/National Renewable Energy Laboratory (DOE/NREL), US Department of Education, National Aeronautics & Space Administration (NASA), New Jersey Commission on Science and Technology and the National Science Foundation.

Ravi’s research interests include Education, Energy, Materials and Manufacturing.

He is this year’s winner of the Bharat Gauvrav Award –