Biography: Dr. Sarika Verma is presently working as Women Scientist – DST at CSIR - Advanced Materials and Processes Research Institute (AMPRI), Bhopal (M.P.). She holds more than one-and-a-half decade diverse experience in the area of Research & Development, Teaching & Administration. Her main research interests comprise development, processing and characterization of advanced materials useful for broad application spectrum like non-toxic, cost effective radiation shielding material ranging from X-ray, gamma, neutron, EMI shielding in the form of tiles, panels, glass flexible and moldable material, textile etc., cement free geopolymeric materials, nano-materials, MWCNT based polymeric and composite materials, advanced rare earth based materials as sensors ,biomedical use etc.. She has also experience of development of value added material from various industrial and agricultural wastes like Brine sludge, Copper mine tailings, Red mud, Fly ash, Rice husk/Rice husk Ash etc.
Dr. Verma has also worked in Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany on development of Advanced Ceramic Materials. She is recipient of many prestigious awards like Young Scientist Award, Director Award, Best Oral presentation award, Best poster presentation award, Awardee of Highest Scorer etc. She has a patent granted in USA and also published & filed 12 national and international patents in diverse area. She has been actively involved in transferring two know-how technologies to the industries and also involves in Product / Process Development with Scale-up And Pilot Plant Studies/Demonstrations for societal benefits. She has about more than 46 research publications in national, international journals, conferences /seminars including the one in China.
Speech Title: Development Of Advanced Non-Toxic, X-ray Radiation Shielding Material Useful For Broad Application Spectrum
Aims: For the first time a novel process for making advanced non-toxic radiation shielding materials useful for broad application spectrum like X-rays, CT scanner rooms and other nuclear installations in various polymeric matrixes has been developed at CSIR-AMPRI, Bhopal. The developed novel technology involves the use of industry wastes like Red Mud, Fly Ash etc. which inherently possesses multi-elemental, multi-component phases in them.
Methods: The developed technology basically involves chemical and ceramic treatment of Red Mud -An Aluminium industry waste.The synthesized fabricated material in the form of tile, panel etc. have high density with multilayered, multi-crystal and multi shielding phases necessary for achieving radiation shielding properties.
Results: The developed material has been evaluated for their diagnostic X-ray attenuation characteristics. The attenuation for different energies of X-ray photons have been computed and found to give very effective shielding properties. Also, the developed shielding material is characterized by using various sophisticated and complementary techniques like FTIR, TGA, DSC, FESEM, EDXA, XRD and AFM etc.
Conclusions: A novel process for making advanced non-toxic radiation shielding material useful for broad application spectrum has been developed by utilizing various wastes as resource materials like Red Mud, Fly Ash etc. in various polymeric at CSIR- AMPRI, Bhopal and have following significant features:- like Non Toxic – Lead free & rare earth free, capable of shielding X-Ray and is cost effective.